Yogi Berra once said, “You’ve got to be very careful if you don’t know where you are going, because you might not get there.”
When it comes to retirement, plenty of people get there — but it may not be what they expected because they either didn’t plan, or their financial strategy didn’t help keep them on the path to their goals. The difference between a satisfying retirement and one with financial concerns may be correlated with how early and how well you plan.
In some ways, what you may hear about creating a financial strategy for retirement can sound similar to the advice high school graduates receive when applying to colleges: Develop a strategy for your dream retirement, one that you are most likely to achieve, as well as a fallback option or two. And remember that retirement planning is personal, so you’ve got to do what’s right for you.
That means taking into account all the people you’ll need to provide for, your assets, your income and savings rate from now until retirement, your investment goals, your timeline, your tolerance for market risk … there’s a whole spectrum of things to consider. That’s one reason why it’s important to develop a relationship with a financial advisor who can help not just to develop a financial strategy, but to adapt that financial strategy as your circumstances may change. We can help you with that by creating a financial strategy utilizing both investment and insurance products that can help you work toward your long-term financial goals.
One of the first steps to retirement planning is figuring out how much income you’ll need once you stop earning a paycheck. Based on data gathered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics in 2014, the average retired household spends $40,938 per year.
Retirement planning is a complicated process because there are so many unknowns, like not knowing how long you’ll actually live. However, there are many tools available at your fingertips, and we are just a phone call away. Remember, it helps to figure out how much savings you may need to retire, so you can create a well-thought-out financial strategy.