We’ve Moved! 6121 Excelsior Blvd. St. Louis Park, MN 55416

Joe Lucey

It’s Baseball Season. Time for Some Analogies and Clichés

Baseball resembles financial planning more than any other sport.  Teams typically approach contests with a game plan based on their personnel, the ball park they are playing in, weather conditions, pitching match-ups and the opposition. Team managers, pay attention to the conditions and plan accordingly to create a successful outcome in each ball game.

This is not unlike financial planning in which a strategy to achieve goals is designed around several factors including resources, the environment, and more.

On last weekend’s radio show Joe Lucey and Derek Fautsch covered estates as part of retirement.  Estate planning is kind of like the walk-off home-run of the financial planning world. We at Secured Retirement Financial can help with your estate planning goals and be here to give you a high five when you touch home. I guess it was time for analogies and clichés after all.

A Retirement Review by the experts, call Secured Retirement Financial at 952-460-3260.

Rock and Roll Heaven

The Righteous Brothers recorded Rock and Roll Heaven in 1974. An ode to musicians past, the song referenced the passing of Jimi Hendrix, Otis Redding, Janis Joplin and more. The song has been rewritten since to include Elvis, John Lennon, Marvin Gaye and others. In 2016, it seems another re –write is due to include David Bowie, Glen Frey and now Prince.

Milestones serve to illustrate the passage of time for generations. I’m going take a moment to salute and celebrate how these performers enriched us and made our times more enjoyable. They really have a great band up there.

Looking ahead, plan to enjoy your golden years. Joe Lucey and Derek Fautsch talk on the subject of retirement every week on Secured Retirement Radio Saturdays at 9:00 am on KTLK 1130 AM Twin Cities.

Planning for a Longer Trip-Life Expectancy

Packing for a weekend trip is easy. It only requires two changes of clothing, cosmetics and sundries, and you’re on your way. When travelling for a week or more, packing becomes more complex. How do you anticipate what you may want to wear seven days from now? The longer journey requires careful planning.

In 1930, before Social Security, life expectancy  for Americans was age 59. This year, that number is projected to hit 80. This equates  to for some, decades without a paycheck. Combine this with the coming changes to Social Security and planning the journey of retirement has become even  more demanding.

This past Saturday as in many of the past weeks, Joe Lucey and Derek Fautsch talked about the coming revisions to Social Security on Secured Retirement Radio. We are getting hundreds of calls each week as those 50 plus assess their Social Security benefits and  retirement.

Now is a good time for retirement planning in relation to the changes. We’re professionals, helping you plan a decades long journey. For a custom Social Security analysis or Retirement Review  on your schedule…call us at 952-460-3260.

Social Security Changes and Terminology

This past Saturday, Joe Lucey and Derek Fautsch talked about retirement planning and Social Security on Secured Retirement Radio.We are continuing to get a record number of calls and questions each week regarding the pending changes to Social Security. Many of the questions are on terminology such as “file and suspend” “restricted application” and “full retirement age”. These are just a few of the phrases that can use translation when understanding the changes to the program and benefits.

For those affected by the changes to Social Security, the clock is ticking. Now is the time to be informed and translate the impact on your benefits. It also is a good time for retirement planning in relation to the changes.

At Secured Retirement Financial , we specialize in  Social Security, tax savings and retirement income. For a custom Social Security analysis or Retirement Review  on your schedule call us at 952-460-3260.

Click Here to hear this week’s radio show.

Van Halen and M & M’s

Back  in the 70’s legend was that  Van Halen required  their hotels to stock M& M’ s  with the brown variety removed from each bowl. At the time, the band was top of the charts with multiple hits …the M&M story fit with our expectations of rock star’s excess. We all should take a turn being David Lee Roth.

later read this legend was true for a reason. At the time, Van Halen’s shows were very intricate; full of explosions, fireworks, and music, hence tour contracts were very important. The band was concerned that attention was being paid to the contracts at each tour stop so they included the M & M clause toward the end. That way, they knew on arrival if their contract had been read and had gotten anyone’s attention.

So what does this have to do with retirement planning?

Secured Retirement Radio’s Joe Lucey is a nationally recognized expert on retirement and Social Security. He and show colleague  Derek Fautsch have been analyzing the changes to Social Security since prior to the legislation last fall and broadcasting the changes to thousands via airwaves, the internet, classes, seminars and in-person meetings.  The changes affect millions and are pending.

If your advisor hasn’t brought up the changes to Social Security… maybe it’s time to check if this has their attention. Might you have brown M& M’s in your bowl?

For a Social Security Analysis or a Retirement Review by the experts call Secured Retirement Financial at   952-460-3260.

Click Here to hear this week’s radio show.

Back Up Generator

Secured Retirement Radio’s Joe Lucey and Derek Fautsch have been talking about the coming changes to Social Security over the last few months.  The changes that are pending are inevitable and will become binding. As a result, the options to maximize Social Security income for millions of people are going to change significantly moving forward.

For many, Social Security income is, or will be the main current or power source of income during their retirement years.  If that is the case for you, it’s a good idea to tune up your “back-up generator”  including savings, investments and/or equity that you have set aside over the years.

Much like a generator supplies power during a storm, setting aside income sources and looking for ways to grow your investment should be discussed to help compensate for the impending changes to Social Security. Now is a good time to review your current plans and see if there is something better, or something that can equal or surpass any lost power in Social Security benefits. At Secured Retirement Financial we call this a 3 Step Review. How can you get yours now? Simply by giving us a phone call at 952-460-3260.

Danielle Christensen


Danielle is dedicated to serving clients to achieve their retirement goals. As a Paraplanner, Danielle helps the advisors with the administrative side of preparing and documenting meetings. She is a graduate of the College of St. Benedict, with a degree in Business Administration and began working with Secured Retirement in May of 2023.

Danielle is a lifelong Minnesotan and currently resides in Farmington with her boyfriend and their senior rescue pittie/American Bulldog mix, Tukka.  In her free time, Danielle enjoys attending concerts and traveling. She is also an avid fan of the Minnesota Wild and loves to be at as many games as possible during the season!