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Retirement Planning

Weekly Insights 5/16/22 – 5/20/22

A Bear Hug (and Kiss)

The definition of a bear market is one in which the value of the stock market, or more precisely a particular stock index, falls by 20% or more from its peak.  For those who have cash available to invest, a bear market can provide excellent opportunities.  Famed money manager Shelby Cullom Davis was quoted saying, “You make most of your money in a bear market, you just don’t realize it at the time.” He was referring to the fact that stocks can be bought cheaply during bear markets.  Sometimes these are referred to as generational buying opportunities but given that we have experienced three (and teetering on a fourth) bear markets since the turn of the century these seem more like once in a decade, or once every few years, opportunities.  On the other hand, if you are fully invested the goal is not to panic and sell at a low, missing out on a potential rebound.  Watching your account value drop precipitously undoubtedly causes concern, especially if it represents the savings you worked hard to build and will be relying upon to maintain your lifestyle in retirement.  We always like to remind our friends and clients that investing in the stock market should be a long-term proposition and not based upon short-term movements in the markets. 

Despite a 3% rise on Friday, the Nasdaq Composite remains more than 25% off its highs and seems to have fully embraced being in a bear market as investors have dumped tech stocks.   The S&P 500 “kissed” a bear market last week, missing it by only a few points before staging a rebound. The major indices again finished the week lower, marking six weeks in a row with losses for the first time since 2011.  A strong bounce-back rally on Friday was led by the most speculative names, which are also those that have lost the most during the recent market carnage.  While this bounce does give hope we are at or near the bottom, we remain skeptical since the higher quality names were not the market leaders.  Also, when a bottom is truly reached we would expect to see capitulation, which is when a significant portion of investors succumb to fear and sell over a short period of time, causing stock prices to move even lower.  Despite numerous headwinds in the short-term, we remain optimistic in the long-term.  It seems much of the “bad” news, including multiple interest rate hikes from the Fed and slowing growth, have already been factored into the market.  Quarterly earnings reports have been solid with a solid majority of companies beating estimates.  Bearish signals remain in the markets, such as low levels of investor sentiment, but these often are contra-indicators since individual investors tend to lose confidence right when the market reaches the bottom. 

Bare Necessities

Last week’s Consumer Price Index (CPI) report showed that consumer prices increased by 8.3% over the past year, which was a little higher than expected, but lower than the previous month.  This report was interpreted by many to mean that inflation is stabilizing even though it remains elevated, however it will most likely take months to determine if this is the beginning of a trend lower or just some minor month-to-month variances.  Housing costs make up over 40% of the CPI measure so it can be seen how the strong real estate market and associated increase in real estate prices has had an outsized impact on the CPI being reported. Higher mortgage rates coupled with increases in real estate prices has led to housing now becoming less affordable.  There seems to be a high probability of the real estate market slowing and while prices may not drop, they very well could level off which would then slow the increases in CPI being reported. For many people, especially those with a fixed rate mortgage, most of the cost of housing is fixed and will not change. Inflation reported by the government is a good indicator of the direction of inflation but is probably not the most accurate measure of the true magnitude of inflation for each individual and therefore it is important to determine your own rate of inflation by comparing differences in prices of the goods and services you spend your money on. 

The other “bare necessities,” which include transportation, food, and medical care, combined make up just under 40% of CPI and this is where we continue to see significant price increases.  For many people, when the prices of essential items increase there is less money to spend on discretionary items.  For example, if forced to choose between buying a loaf of bread and a Netflix subscription, it is safe to assume any rational person would choose the loaf of bread.  Sharp increases in food and energy prices leading to consumers cutting back on discretionary spending is a major reason why consumer sentiment is now at its lowest level since 2011, as was reported last week by the widely followed University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment survey. 

It is expected that recent geo-political events will have a lasting impact on the world order, especially global trade, so we expect higher food and energy prices to continue.  At some point they should stabilize, but even when they do, prices are already much higher than they were previously, creating burdens for many households.  Again using bread as an example, if the cost of a loaf of bread increases from $2 to $3, that would be a 50% rise in inflation.  If the price remains at $3 then inflation is reported as being zero, however the cost of that loaf of bread remains 50% higher than before. Eventually we expect the pace of inflation to subside, but prices will remain significantly higher.  To illustrate how this could affect your retirement spending – using the Rule of 72 for some quick math, if inflation is steady at 3%, purchasing power is cut in half in approximately 24 years.  If inflation is steady at 6%, purchasing power is cut by three-fourths during the same time period; meaning the spending power of one dollar today will only be 25 cents at the end of 24 years, which is the amount of time many people now spend in retirement.  It is very unlikely the rate of inflation will remain steady for that duration, but this helps demonstrate the importance of planning for necessary increases in the amount of money needed to maintain your lifestyle. 

Looking Ahead

The focus of the upcoming week will be on retail sales with monthly retail sales reported from the U.S. Census Bureau on Tuesday and earnings reports from giants Wal-Mart, Target, Lowe’s, Home Depot and Macy’s throughout the week.  We will especially be watching for forward guidance from these companies since wholesale costs continue to rise, putting pressure on profit margins and sales since price increases are frequently passed along to consumers.

We are frequently being asked when we will reach the market bottom.  Of course we do not have a magic crystal ball but perhaps we have in the short-term.  We do remain cautious since we do not think we have yet experienced the worst since headwinds from rising interest rates, slowing growth and inflation persist.  Hopefully we are wrong and the market rebounds from here, which could occur since so much has seemingly already been priced into the market. Regardless, there are going to be challenges ahead.  Corrections and bear markets are part of a normal market cycle, and we remain confident brighter days will eventually come.  Give us a call if you would like to review your portfolio to ensure it is positioned properly for all market conditions.    

Have a great week!

Nathan Zeller, CFA, CFP®

Chief Investment Strategist
Secured Retirement

Please contact us if you would like to review your individual financial plan or learn how the TaxSmart™ Retirement Program can help you.   

Office phone # 952-460-3260

Weekly Insights 5/9/22 – 5/13/22

Catching Lightning in a Bottle

The idiom catch lightning in a bottle means to accomplish a nearly impossible task, to trap something elusive or fleeting. The origins of the phrase have not been verified but it is often credited to Benjamin Franklin’s experiment where he flew a kite during a thunderstorm in hopes of lightning striking the kite, traveling down the string and being collected in a Leyden bottle. (Fortunately the experiment was a failure, otherwise one of our country’s Founding Fathers could have been electrocuted.)  The Federal Reserve is faced with a nearly impossible task right now, engineering a “soft landing” for the economy. 

We are dealing with historically high levels of inflation now due to supply chain constraints and higher demand for goods and services resulting from stimulus payments and easy monetary policy.  While the latter two were most likely necessary to keep our economy from ruin during the early days of the pandemic, looking back it can be argued that we, or more precisely our government officials, went too far.  In hindsight, there is little argument that the Federal Reserve was too loose with monetary policy and should have began tightening much sooner instead of insisting that inflation was “transitory.”  Now the Fed is faced with difficult decisions, the implications of which might be the largest in a generation, if not longer.  If they do not tighten the money supply enough, through interest rate hikes and bond buying, a.k.a. quantitative tightening (“QT”), inflation is likely to get worse and we will be faced with even larger problems.  If they tighten too much, especially by raising interest rates too quickly, the risk is it will slow growth considerably and cause irreparable harm to the economy.  Hence, the goal of doing enough but too much so there is a “soft landing,” such as what one hopes for when flying in an airplane.  With the size of the economy being about $25 trillion dollars, this certainly is no easy task. 

As expected, the Fed did raise interest rates by one-half of one percent, often quoted as 50 basis points, last week. This was the largest increase since the year 2000.  After the meeting, Fed Chairman Jerome Powell stated that a three-quarter point, or 75 basis point, hike was not likely at the next meeting, but it remains widely anticipated we will see half-point increases for at least the next two Fed meetings.  The Fed Funds rate is now at 1% while inflation remains near 8%.  There is no magical formula that says the Fed Funds needs to match the inflation rate, however conventional knowledge says that interest rates have a lot of room to move higher before they have the desired impact on bringing down inflation.  Interest rate hikes generally take months to work through the system and have a noticeable effect, so the Fed also must be concerned about not “overshooting” and raising rates too much or too fast. 

Lightning Strike

As an 80-1 longshot, Rich Strike won the Kentucky Derby over the weekend.  Given the odds, the name seems fitting and might even conjure up an image of a lightning strike.  There were some storm clouds over the stock market last week, where we experienced wild swings, especially on Wednesday after the Fed meeting with the market being significantly higher, and then again on Thursday where the markets suffered their worst losses in over two years. Despite the day-to-day roller-coaster ride including some signs of panic, the S&P 500 and Dow “only” lost 0.2% for the week while the tech sell-off continued with the Nasdaq dropping 1.5% for the week.  It may seem incredulous, and is certainly unprecedented, but bond yields continue to move higher, causing continued pain in the bond market.  This is the worst year-to-date start for the Bloomberg Barclays US Bond Aggregate Index since its inception in 1977.  Even in 1994 when the Fed raised rates six times for a total of 2.5%, the index only lost 3% compared to the 10% losses experienced so far this year. 

Last week the monthly employment report showed continued growth in the labor market and unemployment remaining steady at 3.5%, a relatively low number.  The reported increase in hourly earnings was slightly less than expected, leading to some postulation that labor costs are perhaps slowing which could ease some of the inflationary pressure since this is a major expense for most businesses.  Job openings remain at historically high levels, but the labor force participation rate decreased signifying there are fewer people in the workforce. Overall the labor market remains strong and is not showing signs of cracking, despite reports of a slowdown in economic growth.  In the eyes of the Fed this is good news because they have the dual mandate of price stability and maximum employment so they can maintain their focus on the former for the time being, but this also indicates they can continue to raise rates for the foreseeable future since the labor market does not yet seem to be affected.

Looking Ahead

The monthly Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI) reports will be released this coming week.  As inflation remains a central theme, not only in the markets but also in everyday life, there will be a lot of attention on both. Projections are these reports will show that inflation has slowed from last month but they are both fully expected to reflect a continuation of rising prices. Even if inflation does start to slow it is likely to take many months, if not years, to return to long-term “normal” levels and the large price increases already experienced will not be reversed. 

The continued volatility in the market is a good reminder of the importance of having a solid plan in place and maintaining a long-term outlook.  When it comes to buying stocks, it should not be short-term speculation, but rather investing in companies that will provide shareholder value over the next several years.  It is nearly impossible to catch lightning in a bottle;  don’t leave your retirement up to a long-odds chance, let us help you craft a solid plan to weather all storms. 

Have a great week!

Nathan Zeller, CFA, CFP®

Chief Investment Strategist
Secured Retirement

Please contact us if you would like to review your individual financial plan or learn how the TaxSmart™ Retirement Program can help you.   

Office phone # 952-460-3260

Weekly Insights 5/2/22 – 5/6/22

Saving America

For those of you fortunate enough to attend our event featuring former Comptroller General of the United States David Walker, you learned about the challenges our country faces.  He stressed how the fiscal irresponsibility of our government will inevitability force action to be taken, with the longer we wait the bigger the problems we will have to confront.  David described how economic, political, and societal divides threaten our economy and domestic tranquility.  The U.S. is not the first great power to face such challenges, but in most instances the other great powers have not stood the test of time.  When asked why he has taken up this mission to educate people about what we are facing, his response is simple – “We are saving America!” 

Mr. Walker made a strong argument that the government’s debt load is now such a large percentage of our overall economy that we are going to face negative consequences for generations to come.  His belief is that taxes will go up significantly, social insurance programs (including Medicare and Social Security) will need to be restructured, and government spending will be reprioritized and reduced.  With federal income tax rates now being the lowest they will be in our lifetimes, if not ever, now is a good opportunity to review and reconsider your own retirement planning. 

The Cruelest Month

Poet T.S. Eliot was quoted as saying that “April is the cruelest month…” and this year was no exception in the financial markets.  The major stock indices suffered their worst monthly losses since the onset of the pandemic in March, 2020 and in the case of the Nasdaq, its worst monthly performance since October 2008 during the financial crisis.  The markets showed hope of a rebound last Thursday after the preliminary Q1 GDP report was negative, giving hope the Federal Reserve would not need to raise rates as aggressively as expected since we might already be in a recession. The hopes for a rebound were short lived as the markets closed out the month on Friday with the largest single day losses since the onset of the pandemic in March, 2020.  The losses were worse than those experienced during the prior worst day for the markets since that time, which happens to have been the previous Friday; a weekly trend we hope does not continue.     

Earnings reports were mixed, with uncharacteristically large surprises amongst the biggest tech names.  The most notable gainer was Meta (the company formerly known as Facebook) with the most notable loser being Amazon, which reported a surprise loss and issued weak revenue guidance.  Apple shares also came under pressure after their earnings report as the company said they expect supply chain constraints to hinder third-quarter revenue, a common theme amongst many companies which have reported.  In 2022, the S&P 500 has lost 13.3% while the Dow Jones Industrial Average has lost 9.3% and the Nasdaq sits in bear market territory with a YTD loss of 21.2%.

Earnings continue in earnest this week.  According to FactSet, half of the companies in the S&P 500 have reported thus far with about 80% beating estimates.  However, many have given lowered guidance due to expectations for higher costs and slowing consumer spending.  Over the long term, earnings tend to drive market performance but broader concerns about interest rates, the Fed, slowing growth and inflation continue to put pressure on stock prices. 


Ever since it became evident in the later part of last year that inflation was no longer “transitory” but instead “persistent” there has been comparisons made with the stagflation environment of the 1970s.  These had been largely dismissed since economic activity seemingly continued to be growing and employment remains strong.  However, after first quarter GDP growth was reported as being negative there is now true merit to the question of whether or not we are entering, or are in the midst of, a period of stagflation.  During his remarks last week, David Walker said the answer to the question is “no” and not why you might think.  He reminded us that stagflation is slow or “stagnant” growth and now that we have negative GDP growth, we could be facing something even worse. 

Arguments could be made that we have not yet entered a recession, per the classical definition of two quarters of negative growth.  The most recent report of GDP was only a preliminary report and subject to revision, plus we will need subsequent quarters of negative growth. There is a possibility we could swing between positive and negative GDP growth quarter-to-quarter, even over several years, and technically never enter a recession but if that were the case overall growth would be very low at best.  We would expect earnings to follow with anemic growth and stock market returns to be minimal, below long-term averages.  There is the prospect we could see another lost decade in the stock market without suffering a downturn in stock prices worse than what we have already experienced.  While we acknowledge there will be significant challenges for the markets in the months ahead, we remain very optimistic longer term and have great hope for the resiliency of the American people and our economy. 

Looking Ahead

This week is full of events with the potential to move the markets, most notably the Federal Reserve meeting where it is widely anticipated the Fed will raise short-term interest rates by 50 basis points, or one-half of one percent.  The markets are now pricing in a high probability of a rate increase of 75 basis points, or three-quarters of one percent, at the June meeting as well as another half-point hike during the July Fed meeting.  It is also expected the Fed will begin a quantitative tightening program, referred to as “QT”, where they will be selling bonds held on their balance sheet in an effort to reduce the money supply and further inhibit inflation.  The week will be capped off with the monthly employment report on Friday.

With all that is happening in the economy and markets, it is important not to lose sight of the big picture and what steps you can take to secure your financial future.  Taking advice from David Walker, families should take steps to take care of themselves and their families in light of the potential for tax and spending changes by the government.  Give us a call to discuss your future so we can work together in doing our part to save America!

Have a great week!

Nathan Zeller, CFA, CFP®

Chief Investment Strategist
Secured Retirement

Please contact us if you would like to review your individual financial plan or learn how the TaxSmart™ Retirement Program can help you.   

Office phone # 952-460-3260

Weekly Insights 4/25/22 – 4/29/22

Truth or Consequences

A popular game show on TV during the 50s and 60s was Truth or Consequences where contestants were asked wacky questions and if they were unable to answer correctly, they then had to face the “consequences,” which generally was an embarrassing stunt.  There are times in real life where we have to deal with the truth, or a hard reality, and then deal with the consequences of whatever decision was made.  For example, you might decide to attend a party and stay out late (which the author considers to be anytime after 9:30) but the next day you will have to deal with the consequences.  We are now facing the truth of past action from policymakers and have to deal with the consequences in the markets. 

The consequences of many years of low interest rates and a burgeoning money supply, in the form of stimulus, are now being felt via high levels of inflation, which has only been exacerbated by the pandemic and geopolitical events. Last week’s stock market weakness was attributed to comments from Federal Reserve officials emphasizing that more aggressive action will need to be taken to combat inflation.  Expectations now are for half point interest rate hikes at each of the next two Fed meetings, and quite possibly the two after that.  The Fed is also expected to use another tool in their arsenal to combat inflation – reduce their balance sheet by selling bonds, which would reduce the money supply.  Did we mention there is even some chatter about the potential for the Fed to raise rates by as much as 75 basis points (three-quarters of one percent) at one of their upcoming meetings? We do not think this is likely, but it is certainly possible, and something to consider since inflation seemingly continues to accelerate. 

The S&P 500 and Nasdaq suffered their third consecutive week of losses, with Friday being the largest losing day since the onset of the pandemic in March, 2020.  Earnings season kicked off in earnest and positive momentum in the market showed promise mid-week but unfortunately this quickly faded. Many of the earnings reported were worse than the already lowered expectations or the companies provided underwhelming forward guidance.  Most notably was Netflix, which showed a loss of subscribers for the first time in history.

There is no place investors are dealing more with truth and consequences of their past decisions than with the “profitless” tech stocks, many of which are down as much as 70 to 80 percent from their highs.  These stocks are speculative since they are bought with a hope that at some point the company will turn a profit.  However, stock prices are affected by the present value of future earnings, which are dependent upon interest rates.  With interest rates rising, the present value of earnings becomes less, putting pressure on share prices.  This niche of the market, which is primarily in the tech sector, strikes an eerie similarity to the tech crash of the early 2000s. 

Flight to Safety???

We have touched on this in the past but it is worth revisiting given what has happened over the past few weeks.  Conventional wisdom when it comes to asset allocation is to buy a mix of stocks and bonds with the thought being that bonds will perform well when stocks fall as there will be a “flight to safety.”  Going further, the thought is that even if bonds do not increase in value when stocks fall, their volatility should be less, and any potential losses will be relatively small especially in comparison to stocks.  Over the past few decades this has worked rather well since inflation has been fairly benign and interest rates have remained mostly steady.  Now that inflation is stubbornly high and interest rates are quickly rising, this strategy is not proving to be as successful.

Year-to-date the most widely followed bond index, the Bloomberg Barclays Aggregate Bond Index has lost nearly 10%.  This does not sound like something providing protection against market downturns.  Longer duration bonds have performed even worse with the iShares 20+ Year Treasury Bond ETF (Ticker: TLT) losing almost 19% year-to-date.  Both investments did very well during the financial crisis of 2008-2009 since investors dumped stocks and moved into the relative safety of bonds.  At that time, we were dealing with a deflationary environment and interest rates were falling. Now we have high levels of inflation and interest rates are rising so the inverse relationship between stocks and bonds, especially longer duration Treasury bonds, is no longer holding and bonds are not providing the protection they once did.  As can be seen, bonds have lost more value than stocks in the short-term, a pattern which very well could continue as interest rates continue to rise.  We would advise looking elsewhere for protection and diversification.    

Looking Ahead

It is difficult to sugar coat the stock market action on Friday since 489 out of 504 stocks in the S&P 500 lost value. This coming week major tech bellwethers Apple, Amazon, Microsoft, and Alphabet (Google) report earnings which is bound to impact how the markets perform.  The S&P 500 is trading near the lows reached in March so we think we might see a short-term bounce, especially since the prospect of larger interest rate hikes from the Fed have been baked into the market. That being said, we remain long-term investors and maintain our focus on what the markets will do over the next several years versus the next few weeks.  Short-term predictions are mostly for fun and not what should be used to make investment decisions.  More “experts” are now predicting a recession sometime in 2023 which seems probable but often times the stock market, which is a leading indicator, reflects months in advance.  And it is worth mentioning there often is a dichotomy between the stock market and economy, so a market downturn does not always coincide with a recession.  If you are concerned about market volatility and would like to discuss ways to protect your assets please give us a call to discuss your individual situation further.    

Have a great week!

Nathan Zeller, CFA, CFP®

Chief Investment Strategist
Secured Retirement

Please contact us if you would like to review your individual financial plan or learn how the TaxSmart™ Retirement Program can help you.   

Office phone # 952-460-3260

Weekly Insights 4/18/22 – 4/22/22

Up, Up and Away

For those of you who were around in the late 1960’s you might remember the song “Up, Up and Away,” which was themed around riding on a hot air balloon.  The song has a light, airy feeling and is an example of “sunshine pop” which was popular at the time.  A large hot air balloon conjures images of something leaving the ground and floating high into the air.  Sound familiar?  As everyone is aware, this is what is going on with prices of just about everything right now – they are moving higher and seem to be headed into the stratosphere. 

Not surprisingly, the inflation data released last week showed a continuing momentum higher and marked the largest year over year change we have seen in 40 years.  Even the “core” inflation numbers, where food and energy are removed, were relatively high implying that costs of just about everything are rising, not just energy which has recently received the most attention. With energy prices pulling back over the past few weeks some economists are thinking we have now reached “peak” inflation and the pace of inflation will begin to subside.  Even if this is the case, inflation will remain elevated and near the highest levels seen in decades. We are not convinced this is what will happen since the Producer Price Index (PPI), which measures wholesale prices, rose by a whopping 11.2% compared to a year ago and notably higher than expectations.  These price increases are passed along to consumers, therefore we expect consumer price increases to continue, and possibly further accelerate, for at least the next few months.    

From a consumer perspective inflation is bad if income does not keep pace since purchasing power is eroded, but from a borrower’s perspective inflation can be good since the money that is being paid back is worth less than the money borrowed.  If the interest being charged on the borrowed money is equal to the rate of inflation it is basically a break-even proposition for both sides, but if the interest rate charged is less than the rate of inflation then the borrower is coming out ahead.  What is an example of a very large borrower who is paying a relatively small amount of interest and therefore is benefitting from high inflation?  The heavily indebted U.S. government may be the first one that comes to mind.  (If you want to learn more about the current state of government debt, you will want to hear David Walker speak. More about that later.)

“Sticky” Inflation

Hot air balloons eventually return back to the ground.  Prices generally do not return to where they were, unless there is deflation and the odds of that occurring anytime soon seem miniscule.  If prices move higher but inflation eventually subsides, prices tend to remain elevated from where they were previously and therefore “stick.”  Some price inflation is good since it reflects economic growth but when price increases are higher than wages and consumers’ incomes are unable to keep up with the cost of goods and services they purchase, then we could see slowing, if not stagnant, economic growth. 

The labor market remains robust and unemployment remains low, but data released from the Bureau of Labor Statistics indicates that wages are not keeping up with inflation. With wages adjusted for inflation, or “real” wages, falling and prices increasing, discretionary spending is likely to pullback also.  Consumer sentiment data released last week was higher than expected, showing that consumers are remaining resilient.  However, it should be noted there have been reports of an increase in consumer credit, meaning more people are using credit cards to make purchases and not immediately paying them off, presumably because they are unable to.

Consumer spending makes up nearly two-thirds of GDP, so a slowdown in spending would likely lead to a slowdown in economic growth, which in turn could lead to smaller or even stagnant wage growth and we enter a downward spiral.  On the other hand, some of the supply chain constraints are being caused by a lack of labor so if job openings are filled, the supply constraints could lessen, and we could potentially see an increase in economic growth.  As of now, it seems the former, not the latter, is more likely. 

Looking Ahead

Earnings season began last week and gets going in earnest this coming week. Expectations have been lowered slightly but earnings are still expected to show growth compared to last quarter and a year ago. Since earnings growth tends to drive the stock market there is hope for some market strength, but with lowered expectations it seems unlikely we will see a large move upwards.  Often times, companies report strong earnings but give lowered outlooks, causing stock prices to drop.  Expectations have already been lowered and the market has pulled back, so perhaps this has been priced into the market and positive surprises will provide a tailwind for stocks.  There remain many dark clouds hanging over the market so we are not as optimistic as we were a few months ago.  Hopefully we are wrong in our assessment and the next big move in the markets is to the upside. 

With relatively benign inflation over the past 20 years most investors have become complacent and now higher inflation is making many wonder how to combat it.  The recent stock market pullback does not help and we are likely to experience continued challenges in the markets during the months and years to come.  This is why we emphasize the importance of having a solid income plan in place during retirement which can weather all storms and keep up with inflation.  If you have not reviewed your income plan recently or do not have a steady plan in place, please contact us to discuss further before the inflation balloon floats away and out of reach. 

Have a great week!

Nathan Zeller, CFA, CFP®

Chief Investment Strategist
Secured Retirement

Please contact us if you would like to review your individual financial plan or learn how the TaxSmart™ Retirement Program can help you.   

Office phone # 952-460-3260

Weekly Insights 4/11/22 – 4/15/22

Choose Your Own Adventure

When I was growing up, “Choose Your Own Adventure” books became popular.  In these books the reader becomes the protagonist and makes choices which determine the final outcome.  What I especially enjoyed is that after reaching one ending, I would return to a decision point, make a different choice and the story would have a different conclusion, providing various stories within the same book.  Savers and investors also make decisions which ultimately affect their outcome but unfortunately in real life, you do not have the ability to go back and make a different decision in hopes of realizing a different result. What makes investors’ decisions complicated is that nobody knows for certain what the markets are going to bring in the future, so choices can only be made using the best information available. 

Many investors tend to review past decisions and evaluate what they could have been done differently. Spending a reasonable, not excessive, amount of time doing so can be helpful for making future decisions since history tends to repeat itself and we can learn from our mistakes.  History does repeat itself, but it is very rarely exactly the same.  Right now, the major market headlines include inflation and rising interest rates with comparisons to conditions of the late 1970s and early 1980s.  There are similarities between then and now, but there are also differences. For example, we have a stronger labor market today which is fueling higher wages and contributing to inflation.  When not accompanied by high inflation, higher wages provide workers with the ability to increase their spending since they are receiving more pay.  The concern is that “real” wage growth, which is the growth in wages adjusted for inflation, is currently negative so consumer spending will slow, leading to slower economic growth. 

Speaking of the markets, April has come in like a lamb.  This does not mean it has been quiet or lacked volatility, but rather it has not roared to new highs as if it were a lion.  Last week the stock market retreated as more Federal Reserve officials indicated they expect interest rates to increase at a faster rate than previously expected due to inflationary pressures remaining elevated and possibility accelerating.  Not surprisingly, these comments also caused bond yields, especially longer term, to move higher.  In the past, interest rate increases have been a headwind to equity returns, which is what we have experienced so far this year; so in the short-term history does appear to be repeating itself. 

Multiple Outcomes

There is always some uncertainty in the markets and economy, but there seems to be an abnormally higher amount now.  The yield curve, which was inverted a week ago, has for the most part “uninverted” but remains flat.  Recent movement in the yield curve has led some economists to predict a recession, but not until late this year or sometime in 2023.  Higher costs and lower inflation-adjusted wages are likely to lead to less spending which would slow growth but will it pullback enough to cause negative growth, a.k.a. a recession?

There could also be a case made for deflation in the future, as spending slows and energy markets normalize.  As a side note, another differentiator between now and 40 years ago is that the energy markets are substantially different but that is another topic unto itself.  Only time will tell if we end up with higher inflation or deflation over the next year, but either way the outcome could be similar – a recession.  There is a chance the Federal Reserve engineers a “soft landing” with inflation and interest rates where the market does continue on a strong bull run but that probability seems to be diminishing and lower than other possible outcomes. 

The real question for investors is how this affects the markets and what choices need to be made.  As for the bond market, higher interest rates, most likely much higher, seemingly continue to be on the horizon so bonds are probably not going to be a great place to be invested, at least for the next several months.  As we discussed last week, most of the time the stock market retreats well in advance of a recession.  And recessions are not always accompanied by bear markets.  But current conditions seem to be pointing towards higher probabilities of a market decline than we have seen in many years. 

As an investor you have the choice of taking your money out of the market, potentially missing out on opportunity with a rebound.  On the other hand, if you remain fully invested and the market drops you will lose some of your hard-earned savings.  Another option would be to reduce holdings and hold some cash.  In gambler’s parlance, this is referred to as “taking some money off the table.”  By remaining mostly invested you would be able to capture market gains should the market move upward but if it were to drop you would have cash available for a buying opportunity. Over the longer term, the stock market continues to hold a lot of potential especially for sectors such as healthcare and technology, which will continue to innovate and impact our lives.  Much of the investing decisions made today should be dependent upon your individual tolerance for risk and shorter-term liquidity needs. 

Looking Ahead

The upcoming week will bring numerous events with market-moving potential, especially the kick-off to Quarter 1 earnings season and the release of Consumer Price Index (CPI) numbers for March.  According to FactSet, the expectations for year-over-year increases in earnings for the S&P 500 has been lowered but remains positive compared to a year ago.  With energy prices recently pulling back, the March CPI report has the possibility of reflecting “peak” inflation but even if that is the case the highest levels of inflation in 40 years have already caused damage to the economy, by way of largely affecting consumer spending, and reduced purchasing power.  And even if this is the highest point inflation reading, price increases are likely to remain persistent with elevated inflation for at least the next several months. 

Despite what happens with the markets and economy, we can expect volatility to continue. This is a critical juncture to make decisions which will affect the outcome of your long-term financial plan.  We are here to help you make the best choices to be successful.  Do not try to be your own guide in this adventure, leverage the expertise and knowledge of professionals so you can choose wisely. 

Have a great week!

Nathan Zeller, CFA, CFP®

Chief Investment Strategist

Secured Retirement


Please contact us if you would like to review your individual financial plan or learn how the TaxSmart™ Retirement Program can help you.   

Office phone # 952-460-3260

Danielle Christensen


Danielle is dedicated to serving clients to achieve their retirement goals. As a Paraplanner, Danielle helps the advisors with the administrative side of preparing and documenting meetings. She is a graduate of the College of St. Benedict, with a degree in Business Administration and began working with Secured Retirement in May of 2023.

Danielle is a lifelong Minnesotan and currently resides in Farmington with her boyfriend and their senior rescue pittie/American Bulldog mix, Tukka.  In her free time, Danielle enjoys attending concerts and traveling. She is also an avid fan of the Minnesota Wild and loves to be at as many games as possible during the season!