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Weekly Insights 11/1/21 – 11/5/21

The Great Pumpkin

For those of you who spent Halloween waiting in the pumpkin patch hoping to catch a glimpse of the Great Pumpkin, hopefully you were not disappointed. Investing in the stock market is similar to believing in the Great Pumpkin – maintain an optimistic attitude, remain patient, and be willing to commit time in order to experience the joy of what you hope to achieve.

After a frightening September for the stock market, October did not seem very scary. Strong earnings reports pushed the market higher with the S&P 500 ending the month with a gain of nearly 7%. About half of the companies in the S&P 500 have reported quarterly earnings with roughly 12% of those providing positive earnings surprises. This pace is lower than the previous two quarters but higher than the long-term average of 8.4%, indicating that despite the supposed undertows in the market, companies remain very profitable and continue to experience growth.

Microsoft and Alphabet (Google) had very strong earnings while Apple and Amazon were surprisingly disappointing. There is no doubt Apple and Amazon are extremely profitable and continue to grow but not at the pace analysts expected. The four companies listed above make up about 20% of the S&P 500 so the movement in their stock prices has the potential to have outsized impacts on the index, which is commonly viewed as a barometer of the health of the overall market. While these companies may grab headlines and move the major indices, there are many other stocks making moves with much less visibility. This leads us to believe that individual stock selection and sector weightings will be increasingly important in the foreseeable future.

Sugar High

Similar to children (and adults) coming off a post-Halloween sugar high from eating too much candy, the economy is slowly coming off a high from having large amounts of stimulus pumped into it. This does not mean there is going to be a crash or recession, but rather the pace of growth will be lower than the previous few quarters. GDP numbers released last week were slightly below expectations, but still showed continued growth. The term “stagflation,” which is high or moderate inflation accompanied by slow or no economic growth, is increasingly being used due to concerns of diminishing growth. However, economic growth remains modest for now, but this is an area in which we remain vigilant. In our view, the biggest risks to continued economic expansion are the current supply chain constraints and higher input costs which could possibly lead to a slowdown in spending.

We would be remiss if we did not mention inflation since that is what we see as being the largest risk to investors in the intermediate to long term. The Federal Reserve’s (the Fed) preferred inflation measure, Personal Consumption Expenditures (PCE), was reported last week and remains elevated at the highest levels since 1991 as well as above the Fed’s comfort zone. There seems to now be little doubt inflation remains persistent and will take center stage during the Fed’s discussions when they meet this week.

Looking Ahead

Earnings reports continue in earnest over the next few weeks, but with many large names already reporting it seems unlikely any individual announcements will move the markets substantially. A continuation of the momentum in positive earnings surprises should provide further tailwinds for the stock markets. It is widely anticipated at the conclusion of their meeting this week the Fed will announce the beginning of a tapering, or reduction, in their monthly bond buying program, often referred to as Quantitative Easing or “QE.” Since the Fed tends to telegraph their intentions in advance their action is generally priced into the market before it happens. Should they deviate greatly from expectations there is the potential to cause some market movement, either up or down, on a short-term basis.

As we head into the last two months of the year, we expect stock market returns to be more muted especially after such a strong showing in October. Close attention is being paid to supply chain issues and how retail inventories, both traditional and online, are affected. Consumer sentiment remains high and indications are most people are willing to spend money this holiday season but it remains to be seen if there will be enough inventory to support a high level of spending. We will also be watching the progression of the infrastructure and social programs bills in Congress, especially how revenue will be generated to pay for each and what impact that might have on individuals, corporations and the broader economy.

Even though we have moved past Halloween and transition into a new month, do not lose faith in the Great Pumpkin, a robust economy or the stock markets. If you would like to have a discussion regarding any potential tax savings moves or portfolio adjustments prior to the end of the year, which is rapidly approaching, please do not hesitate to contact us to schedule a meeting.

Have a wonderful week!

Nathan Zeller, CFA, CFP®

Chief Investment Strategist

Secured Retirement


Please contact us if you would like to review your individual financial plan or learn how the TaxSmart™ Retirement Program can help you.

info@securedretirements.com Office phone # (952) 460-3260

Weekly Insights 10/18/21 – 10/22/21

Did that Really Just Happen?

Sometimes when things are moving along nicely, whether it is a ride in a car or on a boat, or even on a larger scale as you go through life, something occurs that really catches you by surprise. These events can be good or bad and the impacts can be relatively minor or quite significant.  Often these occurrences happen so quickly you stop and ask yourself if that really took place.  The stock market seemed to have done just that last week, fortunately in a positive way. 

The markets began the week drifting lower in what appeared to be more of the same negative sentiment that we’ve experienced the past few weeks, but then something great happened on Thursday when the S&P 500 posted its largest single day gain since March.  This momentum continued with further gains on Friday. The big move was attributed primarily to a strong start to the earnings season, but also the weekly jobless claims numbers continue to drift lower reflecting continuing strengthening in the labor market.  It also helps that nationally we seem to be past the peak in the recent surge of coronavirus cases and a short-term agreement was made to raise the debt ceiling, averting a default by the federal government. 

Higher and Higher

We’ve all experienced higher prices recently on the things we buy, so it was not a surprise that the inflation data released by the government last week showed inflationary pressures persist. The Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose by 5.4% compared to a year ago, remaining at a 13 year high and the fifth month in a row inflation came in at 5% or higher. This was driven primarily by higher energy prices and a surge in food prices, plus the largest increase in rent in 20 years.  The Social Security Administration uses CPI data to adjust social-security payments and on a positive note announced last week the cost-of-living (COLA) increase for next year is 5.9%; the largest annual increase in about 40 years.  

Also on the inflation front, the Producer Price Index (PPI) increased 8.6% on an annual basis, which is the highest reading since the early 1980s.  The PPI measures the change in the price of goods sold by manufacturers and therefore is generally a leading indicator of consumer inflation.  Of note in this report was that a few months ago the price increases were attributable to a few products, namely lumber and used vehicles, but now the increases are more broadly spread amongst additional goods and services.  With inflation remaining persistent, many economists are no longer referring to it as being “transitory” but instead are now describing it as being “sticky.”

Looking Ahead

Earnings season kicks off in earnest this week, which we anticipate will provide further tailwinds for the markets.  Analysts are revising earnings estimates higher, albeit to a lesser extent than the previous two quarters.  Congress continues to consider large spending bills, but the price tags on each seem to be coming down which is likely another factor for optimism in the markets.  We continue to keep a close eye on interest rates, especially in light of the recent inflation reports. There seems to be a disconnect between bond yields and inflation, with low bond yields discounting that inflation will remain on a prolonged basis.  We think inflation will continue and bond yields will edge higher. Since bond yields and bond prices have an inverse relationship, any move higher in yields would cause a drop in prices.  Traditional fixed income may not provide the safety it has in the past so we would encourage you to consider other vehicles for providing income and diversification to your equity portfolio.  We would be glad to discuss strategies with you to protect your portfolio from inflation while providing protection in the event of downturn in the stock market. 

I will be sharing more insights and strategies during our monthly Lunch and Learn on October 25th.  You can join us in-person at our office here in St. Louis Park or watch online. See this week’s Secured Retirement Weekly Newsletter for more information and to sign-up. 

Have a wonderful week!

Nathan Zeller, CFA, CFP®

Chief Investment Strategist

Secured Retirement


Please contact us if you would like to review your individual financial plan or learn how the TaxSmart™ Retirement Program can help you.


Office phone # (952) 460-3260

Could you retire sooner than you think?

Forbes: 7 Simple Strategies to Retire Early Click Here

“I’m never going to be able to retire.” Have you ever mumbled this to yourself? If you have, you’re not alone. Over 1/3 of all Americans don’t believe they’ll have enough money to live off of in retirement.  Ouch. With all the pessimistic view on retirement, then how in the blue blazes are there outliers that are able to buck the trend and retire in their 30’s? While they may be on the extreme side of retiring early there’s a lot to be learned from them.

So yes, even if you are one of pessimistic souls that believes that you can’t retire early, here are 7 simple early retirement strategies you can implement today:

1.      Know Your “Numbers”

2.      Lower Your Basic Cost of Living

3.      Stay Out of Debt

4.      Don’t Buy a House That Will Own You

5.      Save More Than You Thought You Ever Could

6.      You May Need to Increase Your Income

7.      Make “Balance” Your Investment Guiding Principle

US News: 8 Reasons to Pursue Early Retirement Click Here

Most people retire during their 60s. To retire earlier than that requires planning, discipline and paying close attention to your savings and investments. But the sacrifices and extra effort are worth the trouble. Early retirement planning makes you rethink what brings you happiness and life satisfaction outside of your career and improves your financial footing.

Here are eight reasons to pursue early retirement:

  1. Address the future today (set your retirement goal)
  2. Increase your income
  3. Circumstances may require you to retire early
  4. Improve your relationships
  5. Travel
  6. Prioritize your health
  7. Lower consumption and spending
  8. Failure isn’t a bad outcome – at least you’ll set your goal

WSJ: Let’s See How Ready for Retirement You Really Are Click Here

I have no idea when, or if, markets will settle down. What I do know is that it’s easy to get caught up in issues that are out of our hands: the markets, interest rates, changes in government programs, etc. At their worst, such anxieties can leave people paralyzed. Put another way, you could end up delaying—and delaying—your retirement for a very long time.

So…instead, focus on the parts of your retirement preparations where you have control. 

Pop quiz: If you are, in fact, retiring in 2019, how many of the following steps—for which you’re the boss—have you taken?

  1. Setting a budget
  2. Reducing debt
  3. Timing Social Security
  4. Creating a pension
  5. Managing taxes

Dave Ramsey: How to Retire Early Click Here

How do I retire early?

That’s a question I hear a lot when I’m on the road. Maybe you’re concerned about health issues. Perhaps you want to chase that dream of owning your own business. Or maybe you feel led to do volunteer work. Whatever the reason, the question is the same: What would it take for me to retire at 60? Or even 55 or 50? 

The answer depends on your financial situation, but if you’re serious about learning how to retire early, there are some things you need to do:

  1. Determine what kind of lifestyle you want in retirement.
  2. Create a mock retirement budget.
  3. Evaluate your current financial situation.
  4. Get serious about lifestyle changes.
  5. Pour everything into investing.
  6. Meet regularly with a financial advisor.
  7. Play it smart when you retire early.

The Motley Fool: Want to Retire Early? Handle These 3 Hurdles First Click Here

For many workers, the idea of retiring early is a dream they’ve pursued throughout their careers. Being able to have more time to do the things you want is a goal that nearly everyone has.

However, in order to make early retirement work, it’s important to understand the potential difficulties involved and to address them while there’s still time. In particular, if you want to retire early without ending up in a difficult situation, you’ll want to make sure that you have three key issues dealt with before making a decision you might regret later.

1.      Figure out where your money will come from

2.      Decide how you’ll bridge the healthcare gap

3.      Come up with a strategy for staying active socially

Kiplinger: Worried You’re Never Going to Be Able to Retire? Click Here

Some people spend more time thinking about retirement than others, but most everyone has at least a few ideas about what their life will be like when they don’t have to work anymore. 

Unfortunately for many, hoping and dreaming is about as far as they get in the planning process. They don’t know whether they can really achieve their goals because they haven’t taken the steps necessary to prepare for them.

If that sounds like you, and you’re anywhere close to the age you think you’d like to be when you retire, let me warn you: Your retirement reality could be far different from the lifestyle you’ve imagined. And if it is, it likely will be because you ignored one or more of these five basic threats:

Threat No. 1: Unclear plans.

Threat No. 2: Medical costs.

Threat No. 3: Investing too conservatively.

Threat No. 4: Not knowing how much risk is in your portfolio.

Threat No. 5: Inflation.

Danielle Christensen


Danielle is dedicated to serving clients to achieve their retirement goals. As a Paraplanner, Danielle helps the advisors with the administrative side of preparing and documenting meetings. She is a graduate of the College of St. Benedict, with a degree in Business Administration and began working with Secured Retirement in May of 2023.

Danielle is a lifelong Minnesotan and currently resides in Farmington with her boyfriend and their senior rescue pittie/American Bulldog mix, Tukka.  In her free time, Danielle enjoys attending concerts and traveling. She is also an avid fan of the Minnesota Wild and loves to be at as many games as possible during the season!